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JAM Stack Support

Primary support for Next.js solutions and other options.
Additional cost, extensive investment with trial-and-error months.

Pure Static Apps

Additional to Next.js also supports discrete single page apps or static site storage, globally replicated with 99.99% uptime.
Additional cost.

API Hosting

Secure API hosting for your business and integration logic.
Additional cost.
No discrete API layer. Only provides compute functions.

Pre-built SaaS Adapters

Adapters with pre-built integrations to Optimizely's SaaS products and legacy software.
Additional cost, extensive investment with trial-and-error months.
Partial connectivity for CMS (SaaS) not other Optimizely components.

DevOps Pipelines

Fully optimized CI/CD with zero downtime tuned for Optimizely, productized and maintained with extension points/options.
Additional cost, extensive DevOps investment with trial-and-error months.
Basic GitOps process support only for Head.

Site Preview

Front-end site previews with full security bound to non-production, deploys off feature branches, testers can validate UI features with Optimizely CMS (SaaS) content.

Not possible.

Available but IP allowlist requires additional cost.

Orchestration FE and BE Changes

Orchestrated deployment across rendering host and Optimizely CMS (SaaS) with no downtime and SLA guarantees.
Additional cost, extensive DevOps investment with trial-and-error months.
Basic GitOps process support only for Head, no orchestration with Optimizely CMS (SaaS) deploys.

End-to-End Starter Kit

End-to-end starter solution with Next.js and Optimizely CMS (SaaS) deploying and ready to use from day one.
No end-to-end starters, Dev team required to stitch together various samples.
Only a starter for Next.js on Vercel, but not including Optimizely CMS (SaaS) or Graph.

SLA'd Ecosystem (Availability + Cost + Performance)

Code deployment to application, to infrastructure, to end user experience fully covered under SLA.
Client developers to build from ground up.
Only SLA availability of head hosting, not site performance or end-to-end availability.

On Demand ISR For Optimizely

Prebuilt optimized end-to-end solution for Optimizely included.
Client developers to build from the ground up.
Capability exists, client developers to build.

Image Optimization

Cloudflare backed image optimizations included and highly cost-effective.

Would need to buy and build at additional cost.

Included at additional cost.

Tuned Optimizely Caching

Highly optimized and finely tuned for Optimizely with included ongoing maintenance.
Additional time and cost for client Developers to iteratively configure and build.
Additional time and cost for client Developers to iteratively configure and build.

BoT, DDoS, WAF and Security Incident Response

Full coverage and incident response, tuned to Optimizely unique quirks.
Client infrastructure team could provision at additional cost.
Only Head.


Compliance across app, infrastructure, security and operations layers - ready for industry regulations.
Could aim to align to best practice Azure/AWS policy and certify at additional cost and time.
Only Head.


Full coverage centralized views and alerts responded to by Dataweavers team.
Additional tooling required at a cost.
Only Head.

Specialist SRE Team

Deep troubleshooting capability, developers and infrastructure with Optimizely and rendering host skills.
General capability, no Optimizely knowledge.
No dedicated Optimizely knowledge.

Time to Value

Fast time to value with productized implementation through automation from one team.
Zero base, extensive time and cost getting architecture and solution right.
Non-integrated solution and process, significant time spent getting architecture and overall solution right.

Team Structure

One team - Infrastructure, DevOps, Security, App, Optimizely vendor support managed by Dataweavers.

Minimum 3 vendors and 2 teams.
Minimum 2 vendors and 1 team.

SaaS Adoption

One contract - allowing SaaS and PaaS features side-by-side legacy Optimizely and headless SaaS enabling an iterative journey and cutover.

Multiple client teams across separate infrastructure - difficult to iteratively manage a cutover.

Only Head - difficult to iteratively manage cutover.